ALL ABOUT EQUINE BODYWORKS - This is the handy companion Workbook used in the Level 1 Course that is also demonstrated by April in the “Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding” Home Study Program Horse Therapy Massage DVD, Watch Instantly. Included now with this purchase is April’s updated 120 page Level 1 – Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding Workbook, a 30 USD value. If you get the home study horses dvd course you do not need this DVD.
BEHAVIORAL ISSUES ON HORSES - The majority of horse training and behavioral issues are caused by pain issues in the horse's body that are easily corrected. This results in a horse that is unwilling to switch leads, girthy or is a cold backed horse, unable to engage its hind end. These issues lead to high/low syndrome in hooves, roach back and hunter bump calcifications as well as arthritic hocks and side-bone. Helping sore, cranky or lame horses. You can fix this!
WHAT OUR CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR OFFER - April a Certified instructor for Quantum Relief for horses and humans can also help you find your horses exact issues with a distance reading on your horse. Horse health issues lead to high/low syndrome in hooves, roach back and hunter bump calcifications as well as arthritic hocks and side-bones. We help the horse come back to ease and joy of movement to give you a willing equine partner. This is a horse trainer's guide to fixing problem horses.
OSTEOPATHIC, MYOFASCIAL, AND ACUPRESSURE RELEASE - With this Equine Therapy Training DVD you can learn to work on this yourself! April shows you how to work on your horse yourself using easy Osteopathic, Myofascial muscular/skeletal releases, and Acupressure releases. All Moves are soft easy moves to the body. The acupressure meridian system is worked on as well as learning how to use Essential Oil therapy.
WATCH INSTANTLY - If you don’t want to wait for the mail, Watch Instantly. This includes the Equine Massage Therapy DVD, when the order process is complete you will receive an email with a password and a link to watch the entire horse training DVD at your leisure. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us using your Amazon Order ID and we will assist you as best as we can.